Date: 4th July 2024

News type: News

Members of the Building Safety Competence Foundation (BSCF) team were delighted to visit the offices of UKAS this week to receive their accreditation certificate. The BSCF is the only building inspector competency scheme which is accredited by UKAS.

This has been a long and thorough process, and their perseverance in achieving this milestone demonstrates the commitment the BSCF have made to developing and maintaining a first-class service. It also reinforces the confidence that industry, and the wider community can have in everyone who has chosen to prove their competence as a Building Inspector via the BSCF.

This took place in the same week as the BSCF confirmed the competency validation of the 1,000th candidate.

Tariq Abdoh joined LABC as Head of Standards in 2017, and was charged with the task of ensuring that the framework for Building Control Inspector Competency Assessments conformed to ISO 17024. This accreditation by UKAS further recognises the comprehensive way in which this was achieved. Tariq thanked UKAS for their hospitality and also thanked Sandra Ashcroft from the BSR for attending and supporting his team.

Highlighting the potential significance of this accreditation, Lorna Stimpson, CEO of BSCF said:

“The BSCF certification scheme rigorously evaluates the competence of building control professionals across all inspecting roles and specialisms. In addition to helping building inspectors meet mandatory BSR registration requirements, the  scheme aims to raise standards of technical competence throughout the industry. UKAS accreditation provides a valuable additional layer of independent scrutiny to the process to help restore faith in the industry’s ability to deliver safer buildings.”

Congratulating BSCF on its achievement, Lorraine Turner, Accreditation Director at UKAS added:

“UKAS accreditation has long been recognised as demonstrable proof of competence across a wide variety of industry sectors. UKAS was able to utilise this extensive experience to respond at pace and develop accreditation of the BIC competency certification scheme, reflecting the important role accreditation continues to play in underpinning confidence throughout the built environment.”

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